“The protests continued but were marred by violent dispersals. The military junta did not exercise restraint! It has crossed the line by beating and arresting the peacefully marching Buddhist monks and other people. This is unacceptable”

“The protests continued but were marred by violent dispersals. The military junta did not exercise restraint! It has crossed the line by beating and arresting the peacefully marching Buddhist monks and other people. This is unacceptable”

This was how members of Free Burma Coalition-Philippines declared their utmost disgust over the recent crackdown in Burma where activists and monks doing peaceful actions were violently dispersed by Burmese junta’s military troops.

“Military junta’s use of excessive force and all forms of arbitrary detention of peaceful protesters are uncalled for. How can a non-violent protest turned into a massacre? This shows nothing but junta’s cowardice to face the protesters,” Egoy Bans, spokesperson of the FBC-Phils said during the public forum on Burma issue held in Quezon City.

Said public forum was organized by the Free Burma Coalition-Philippines and the Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID) to provide a dialogue and updating for all Filipino solidarity activists on the current situation in Burma and as an expression of solidarity to the Burmese peoples’ struggle. It is also in line with the celebration of the 19th founding anniversary of the National League for Democracy (NLD), Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s party which won a landslide of 82% votes in the 1990 elections but junta never allowed winners to take power.

Former Representative Loretta Ann P. Rosales, Akbayan Party-list and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Caucus on Myanmar (AIPMC); Mr. Fernando Pena, Vice-Chairman, Initiatives for International Dialogue; Mr. Joshua Mata, Secretary-General, Alliance of Progressive Labor, Free Burma Coalition – Philippines (FBC-Phils) were the forum’s invited speakers.

UN and ASEAN, not doing ENOUGH

Bans also took the occasion to issue criticisms on the United Nations and ASEAN’s current initiatives in Burma. He added, “While we commend UN and ASEAN efforts for Burma, we still think that these institutions are not doing enough. They should go beyond issuing soft statements and press releases. Look what is happening now in Burma? Is this the result of ASEAN’s Constructive Engagement policy? Rules are made to help people not strangle them.”

He stressed, “Watching the news and you-tube broadcasting the way Burmese junta massacre the peaceful protesters is not a funny entertainment. It’s time for the UN to wake up from its deep slumber and push to bring back the issue of Burma in the formal agenda of the UN Security Council.

He continued, “But the UNSC must share the blame for what is happening now in Burma. Because of UNSC’s undemocratic numbers game where a veto power is granted for powerful member states, the resolution for democratization of Burma didn’t succeed.”

The FBC-Phils held a rally yesterday in front of the Burma embassy as a support to the protests inside Burma. Holding a banner that reads “Dialogue or Regime Change”, the group said that if the junta refuses to reform, the world must call for a change of regime in Burma.

The group likewise issued criticism to China and Russia who vetoed the resolution pending at the UNSC for Burma last year.

“Where is now the big mouth of China saying Burma is not a threat to peace? The junta gets its strength from states and other governments that support them. But they should realize that we cannot do business with Burma at the expense of freedom, democracy and human rights, “ Bans concluded.

For inquiries, kindly refer to
Egoy Bans +63920 9132472
Gani Abunda +63919 6605920
IID office +632 9110205 +632 4352900