The Initiatives for International Dialogue extends its warmest felicitations to the member-organizations, the members of the Council, the constituencies, and the staff of the Mindanao People’s Caucus on the occasion of its 3rd general assembly.

The peoples of Mindanao have witnessed the growth of MPC as an important and integral part in their indispensable role of advancing their own rights and welfare. In a span of three years, MPC has established itself as one of the leading advocates for peace in Mindanao, a durable peace that is based on realizing self-determination as a cornerstone principle. From the few at IID who dreamed of an apparently multifaceted undertaking, to the companions and partners who anticipated with bated breath as MPC took its first tentative steps, we are all proud nurturers of a now reputable organization able to chart its own destiny.

MPC and its advocacies have come a long way since then. It was part of the core that kept alive the Moro peoples’ aspirations for self-determination in the face of chauvinism, witch hunt and deep-seated prejudice that led to the MOA-AD debacle. It advocated against and blunted any attempt that might water-down the centuries of sacrifices and struggles of the Bangsamoro nation. It has earned the well-deserved trust and admiration of all who cherish that undying dream of a Mindanao of freely-determining peoples.

Some of the most credible organizations, leaders and elders of Lumads in Mindanao have found in MPC one of the effective platforms upon which to advance their right to self-determination. The advocacies of MPC and its members for the Lumads of Mindanao continue to help frustrate the offensives of economic and political interests that seek to exploit and ravage the richness of Mindanao down to its carcass.

Civilians, especially among the Lumads and Moro, often bear the brunt of militarization that accompanies destructive large-scale projects such as mining, logging, plantation and energy projects. They also shoulder the heaviest toll during violent conflicts that arise out of the armed suppression of the continuing assertions of the Bangsamoro for self-determination. As always, MPC is at the forefront of calling attention to the plight of the civilian victims of war, bringing succor to their suffering. In particular, it has helped advance the discourse and practice of civilian protection in situations of armed conflict.

The Initiatives for International Dialogue have stood by and will continue to stand with MPC in advancing the cause for durable peace. Since the year 2000 when we founded MPC, to its development as an independent body in 2008 and until today, IID looks forward to continue to contribute to the advocacies of MPC so that our dream of a peaceful, prosperous, just and all-embracing Mindanao may finally see the dawn of certainty.

All out for Peace in Mindanao!

Long Live Mindanao People’s Caucus!