Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela changed the course of human history through his stubborn dedication to human dignity.

Although he spent most of his struggle against apartheid imprisoned, in the end Black South Africa was spurred to action, peoples around the world rallied to their cause, and White South Africa relented.

Mandela is the consummate revolutionary whose mission is to break down barriers to the full expression of the innate nobility of each man and woman, every nation and peoples, between North and South, regardless of the mythical and real distinctions that define them. His statesmanship is legendary. He never let the patina of political power blind him, unlike other hitherto revolutionary leaders who in the end turned into despots.

No amount of grand eulogies will ever be enough to remember Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. It is however suitable to forever speak of him in the present and let him accompany us to the future.

We at the Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID) join the entire world in grieving his passing, extend our warm embraces and deep condolences to his family, reiterate our unremitting solidarity to the peoples of South Africa as we celebrate his humble, inspiring and radiant life.
