A Joint Normalization Committee-Civil society conversations was held in Davao City to shed light on the crucial developments in the Normalization programs as well as the Joint Normalization Committee’s (JNC) interface with the inter-cabinet convergence installed by virtue of E.O. 79, and discuss issues and concerns towards clarifying the location and active participation of civil society and communities in the entire Normalization architecture including how the programs are conceived and cascaded at the community level. Dir. Wendel Orbeso (GPH JNC Head Secretariat) of the OPAPP/OPAPRU and Mr. Toks Ebrahim (MILF JNC Head Secretariat) have engaged with the civil society in this low-profile meeting.

This policy conversation is done with the support of the European Union under the Democratic Leadership and Active Civil Society Empowerment in the Bangsamoro Bangsamoro (DELACSE 2), a project consortium involving the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the IID.