Almost two weeks had passed since the outbreak of armed encounters between the government militia and some members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Shariff Aguak in Maguindanao but the cessation of hostilities appears to be not in sight. This situation has gravely alarmed the peace networks, non-government organizations and international humanitarian agencies working in Mindanao. The armed encounters have already escalated, wrecking further havoc in the lives of civilians caught in the crossfire. This war can be stopped if those who have the power to stop it will only act decisively and swiftly.
Almost two weeks had passed since the outbreak of armed encounters between the government militia and some members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Shariff Aguak in Maguindanao but the cessation of hostilities appears to be not in sight. This situation has gravely alarmed the peace networks, non-government organizations and international humanitarian agencies working in Mindanao. The armed encounters have already escalated, wrecking further havoc in the lives of civilians caught in the crossfire. This war can be stopped if those who have the power to stop it will only act decisively and swiftly.
The Mindanao Peaceweaver (MPW), a network of non-government organizations working for peace in Mindanao, shares its gravest concern over this lamentable situation. Yesterday’s reports from partner organizations in the area indicated a humanitarian crisis looms large as armed encounters continue in Shariff Aguak, the neighboring towns of Mamasapan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Unsay, and might even spread to other areas. An independent monitor places the latest count of displaced families at 4,138 and growing.
We now see thousands of families fleeing from their homes to avoid being caught in this nasty and senseless war and sympathize in the torment of those who are directly involved in the armed encounters. While many of us enjoy the warmth and comfort of our homes, there are hordes of men, women, children, and the elderly on a constant run at the slightest exchange of firing.
We also dread the possibility that the ongoing armed hostilities will adversely affect the peace talks between the government and the MILF. Indeed we echo the fear of some members of the Joint Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities (JCCH) and the Malaysian-led International Monitoring Team (IMT) that “the situation may go out of hand because patience may go low after some time”.
We therefore call on all concerned parties to heed the plea for an immediate cessation of hostilities and allow a more rational conflict settlement to take place.
We call on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to make good of her administration’s pronouncement of commitment to peace when it engaged the MILF in the peace process. At this crucial moment when that is under threat by the current Maguindanao hostilities, this is one opportunity for her to prove her commitment by personally ordering the withdrawal of all military and the armed civilian volunteers (CVOs) from the troubled areas. It would greatly alleviate the situation if President Arroyo, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, will dissuade her military officers on the ground from further complicating the situation through their “protective firing” and “persuasive flights” aimed at MILF positions.
In the same breath, we also call on the MILF leadership to effectively rein in on their forces on the ground and to exercise maximum restraint even when provoked.
Finally, we call on all people who are one with us in our search for a durable and lasting peace in Mindanao to steadfastly stand for peace in these most trying times. It is time for all peace advocates and international humanitarian agencies in Mindanao to get their act together, providing immediate relief and medical assistance to the displaced families in the conflict-affected areas, among other efforts of pacifying and normalizing the situation.
With the cessation of hostilities, we put ourselves solidly behind the move to immediately:
- Organize joint government-NGO massive relief, medical and rehabilitation missions in areas affected by the war;
- Install a peace-keeping force between the forces of Governor Ampatuan and the MILF to be composed of Army personnel, the JCCH, and the Bantay Ceasefire with representatives from non-government organizations working for peace in Mindanao; and
- Conduct a fact-finding probe by the ceasefire mechanism of the government and the MILF to ferret out the truth behind the June 23 bombing that killed seven close aides and relatives of Governor Andal Ampatuan and bring the perpetrators to the bar of justice;
It is time for us to be united and be part of the peaceful solution to the raging conflict. Let us all effect the immediate end of the Maguindanao hostilities!
Mindanao Peaceweavers (MPW)
Agong Peace Network (AGONG)
Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS)
Bangsamoro Women Solidarity Forum (BWSF)
Mindanao Peoples` Caucus (MPC)
Mindanao Peoples Peace Movement (MPPM)
Mindanao Peace Advocates` Conference (MPAC)
Mindanao Solidarity Network
ZamBaSulTa Coalition of Peace Advocates (ZACOPA)
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